Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The GEnius in your Child

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 Every child has a genius within that has to be nurtured.  If is up to you, as the parent to train your child and bring out his or her abilities.  Left to chance and/or the school system, a child may not develop his or her full potential.

Did you know that you have the power to awaken a genius in your child?  In all cultures around he world, the child is considered a gift of God and it is not difficult to see why.  From the moment the child is born, the miracle of creation is clear.  The newborn has its own unique and individual personality; innately it moves its tiny limbs, expresses and communicate its needs, responds to the world around it, develops new skills daily, and grows at an astounding rate.  Within this miracle of creation is a powerful force, an awe-inspiring phenomenon that nature has provided - the brain.

Wouldn't you like to give your child the head start he or she needs? Have you been pondering how to give your child that extra boost?

I invite you to get further information on this delightful program. 

Recommended reading...
For more information on early childhood education and how to increase your child's intelligence, you'll probably want to take a look at the Genius Maker program. It’s an amazing program to teach your child not only to read, but learn mathematical skills and gain an encyclopedic knowledge. Well worth checking out!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Early Learing Skills: Teach your Child to read


Bring out the genius in a child is a responsibility that all parents should undertake.  It requires you to have a strong, positive attitude towards the learning process.  Every child looks up to his or her mommy or daddy as a role model.  If you are a parent yourself, you must guide your child and encourage her to have a deep, abiding thirst for knowledge. Your attitude will determine, to a large extent, how much and how fast your child will learn to read and enjoy reading.

For example, if you constantly bring work home and complain about how much material you have to read, it will have an adverse effect on your child.  But if your child sees you absorbed in reading the newspaper or magazine or if she follows you to the library to select books, she will realize that you enjoy reading and will want to emulate you.  Her natural insatiable appetite for learning, her sense of wonder, will accord her great enjoyment as she pursues the idea of reading, generated from the example you have set.  Your can teach your child to read,  help your child develop language, thinking and genius skills at home at an early age by following some reading tips.

1.  Have an environment surrounded by books
Go for colorful, visually rich children’s books.  There are lots of such books out there and children are often intrigued by the pictures and colors that pique their interest.
2.  Read Out Loud
Read stories or nursery rhymes aloud to your child.  Set aside 15 minutes to half an hour each day for this.   Besides establishing a warm and close relationship with your child, there is intellectual value in these sessions.  Read alouds have more than one benefit.   Your child will be deeply happy and contented to receive your full attention.  You also build a close bond between you and your child as being close gives her a sense of your care and love and this helps her to feel secure.

Are you ready to start you child on the path to success? Then the time is now to get the tools you need to give him the tools He needs, click on the link below or on the picute to your left and examine the Teach your Baby kit.
You won't be sorry.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Early learning: How early is to early?


Early learning skills like reading are the foundations of a intelligent, well-adjusted child.  Learn how you can develop the mindset and habit of learning in a child to excel with the information age.
The world we are living in is ever changing.  Information bombards us from every corner of the globe.  The pace of change may appear frightening to many of us, but for the future global citizen i.e. your child, it appears normal.  Information is part of your child’s reality.  Indeed, knowledge can help him make sense of the world in relation to himself.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Children's bill of Rights

I have a right to live rather than merely exist.
I have a right to personhood rather than being an object of possession.
I have a right to equality with every other human being regardless of age.
I have a right to be respected as a human being.
I have a right to be uniquely myself with my own identity.
I have a right to speak my thoughts and feelings, and to be heard.
I have a right to ask "why?" and to receive an answer.
I have a right to receive discipline without insults, yelling and put-downs.
I have a right to be encouraged to grow to maturity at my own pace.
I have a right to be free of physical harm at the hands of others.
I have a right to be loved for who I am.
I have a right to think for myself and, with guidance, to make my own decisions.
I have a right to be responsible for myself.
I have a right to feel joy, happiness, sorrow, bereavement, and pain.
I have a right to my acheivements and a right to my mistakes.
I have a right to care and be cared for, to give and to receive.
I have a right to develop my own convictions, beliefs and standards.
I have a right to know and experience personal freedom.
I have a right to my own body, mind, and spirit.
I have a responsibility to recognize and accept the rights of others regarding their Bill Of Rights.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Teach your baby

Are the brains of geniuses any different from everybody else’s? Or is there a way you can develop a genius in your family with an early children development program to encourage early learning skills?

The main problem with the idea that we are a product of our genes and nothing else is that we are not born and kept in isolation in a bubble for the rest of our lives. As human beings we arrive with a survival kit, but we grow and develop in a process of constant interaction with our environment. Is it nature or nurture that predicts our future? For the record, all the current indications are that it is just too simple to say we are born with what we get and that’s the end of the story.

What would be the outcome of our brain development if we didn’t have any social contact from the time we were born? Looking at cases where children who have been discovered who were raised with very little social interaction, brain development within these children, including speech and language were severely impaired. Providing children with a nurturing, supportive and socially interactive environment is not just good for their self-esteem, emotional development and overall well being it is especially important for their cognitive brain function and intellectual development. Is nature or nurture the determinant of genius? Environment cannot be ignored in human development for the fact that the genes we inherit are finite, whereas the brain’s ability to develop billions of new connections between the cells it is born with is infinite. Education, knowledge, learning and experiences, all of these will greatly influence the number of new connections each of our brains will make over our lifetime.

In the past, we were told that we are born with a certain number of brain cells and if you do not use your gray cells, you will lose them. What scientists discovered recently is that our brain grows new cells or neurons all the time and as with our existing brain cells, the trick is to stimulate them to prevent them from dying off. This may not seem like a great discovery but in reality, it has huge implications. It changes everything. What we are born with matters, but what we do with it matters even more.

So are the brains of geniuses different from everybody else? The problem with this question is that we don’t know if there is such a thing as atypical genius brain. This is because there is a lack of genius brains for scientists to tinker with. Another problem is that the chances of a person being recognized as one is increased by the number of years they have been dead.

Einstein left his brain to science and one of the most notable things about Einstein’s brain is its dense network of connectivity in relation to the brains of other people his age. In other words, his brain was very well wired up. But, and this is a big but, whether Einstein’s brain was born like this, or whether it developed to become like this over time, via his interaction with his environment, a life filled with research and learning, is something no one knows for certain. This is because no one knows what his brain looked like when he was born.

When you remove all the hype and mystery surrounding a genius, you are left with a simple fact. All known genius began their journey in the world just like any other baby. They arrived in a safe environment with a brain and a body hungry for development. If you don’t know if your child is a genius or not, you can make the odds in his favor by adopting early childhood development and training. Such training take mere minutes a day and the effects last a lifetime. Yes your baby can read much earlier and learn math much faster if you employ the proper tools without the stress to both mother and child. Such skills will enhance the child’s learning ability and will last a lifetime.

For further reading …

For more information on how to bring out the genius in your young child, you'll probably want to take a look at the Genius Maker Program. It's a complete system to help you teach your child to read, learn math and gain an encyclopedic knowledge. Well worth checking out.

You can visit the Teach My Baby website by clicking on the link below:

Click here